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Annual Meeting and Election

Our annual meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 8TH  at 6:00 pm at the water district office at 1922 Higginbotham Hwy. All members are invited to attend. We will be having elections for two board member positions.

Voting time will be held from 12:00 pm to 7:00 pm at the water district office on the day of the meeting. The drive-thru will also be open for voting during that time. Members will be allowed to vote only ONCE, even in the case of multiple water meters. Please bring your ID or bill stub. Renters are not eligible to vote.

The members of the corporation running for board positions are:

Ken Arceneaux of Rayne (current board treasurer)

Eddie Savoie of Rayne (current board vice president)

Curtis “Tex” Guidry of Branch

Jerry Sonnier of Church Point